Classes CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher

Who are the CovaTech® Pilates® Teachers and how to find them.

A CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher is a Pilates teacher who attended and completed the training program at our CovaTech® Pilates® School which has its sole headquarters in Milan.
The completion of this program allows any CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher to teach Pilates according to the CovaTech® Method on mat work, big apparatus and small props, through a rich, articulated and complete training program.

Moreover, to protect and ensure the professional quality of each Teacher, the School requires to any CovaTech® Pilates® Teacher to maintain the professional standard through the Continuing Education program with mandatory Refresher Trainings held yearly.

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Eleonora Libanore

(Milano) Lombardia, Italia

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Fisio 432
Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 10, 20077 - MELEGNANO (Milano) Lombardia, Italia

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Lara Lovato

VERONA (Verona) Veneto, Italia

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Silvana Lucca

CovaTech® Pilates® School
Corso Concordia, 11, 20129 - Milano (Milano) Lombardia, Italia

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Giulia Lucchesi

Empoli (Firenze) Italia

AR Fisioterapia
Via Arnolfo di Cambio 62/A, 50053 - Empoli (Firenze) Toscana, Italia

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Maurizia Luceri

Milano (Milano) Italia

Oltre il Pilates Studio Due ASD
VIA GAETANO GIARDINO,4, 20123 - MILANO (Milano) Lombardia, Italia

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Vittorio Magni

Studio Pilates Covatech Studio2pilates
Via Statale, 5/F, 23883 - Merate (Lecco) Lombardia, Italia

Studio2pilates PilatesForYou!
Via dei riccioli, 14, 23900 - Lecco (Lecco) Lombardia, Italia

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Cinzia Malesardi

Cinzia Malesardi
Cinzia Malesardi, 20900 - MONZA (Monza e Brianza) Lombardia, Italia

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Cristina Mambella

San Giovanni Teatino (Chieti) Italia

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Nancy Mambro

Castagnola Svizzera

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